This is our 10 pound HMR and is our medium weight and size massage rollerz. HMR can be used to effectively roll the upper trapezius and neck area to reduce muscle tension that can cause headache pain. This one is great for the hamstrings, arms, inner and outer thigh, calves (and other muscles) and can be used like a foam roller underneath the body giving you a more firm pressure than any other material. Pictured to the right in the 3 pack picture measuring 2.25" x 10".
10 pound Heavy Metal Rollerz Solid Stainless Steel Weighted Massage Rollerz
Our medium HMR is solid stainless steel weighing 10 pounds. Clean with a light cleaner such as soap and water. Roll away muscle tension and pain by placing HMR of the area and gently rolling back and forth along the muscle fibers or side to side (cross friction) for deeper pressure and to reduce muscle adhesions. Hold in place to gently reduce adhesions.